Transaction Center

REALTOR® Secure Transaction

Realtor® Secure Transaction is your place to discover, access and master the essential tools for a modern, efficient and secure transaction.

Transactions - zipForm® Edition

Transaction management and forms software with all the must-have features, including current statewide contracts, local forms, and more.

Transaction Products zipForm Edition Service Providers Forms Libraries Transactions (zipForm Edition) Support
Forms Advisor™ & Forms Tutor®

Free advice to help you understand the form you're using with Forms Tutor® and identify which form you need for your transaction with Forms Advisor™

Standard Forms

C.A.R. Standard Forms are developed by the C.A.R. Legal Department which gathers input from real estate professionals and attorneys to create user-friendly, comprehensive, and dependable forms.

Inspectors & Transaction Coordinators

Become certified as a Home Inspector or connect with a certified Inspectors and Transaction Coordinator.

C.A.R. Home Inspector Certification Program Transaction Coordinator Directory
Partner Program

Your one-stop-source for exclusive offers, discounts, and free trials.

Leasing & Property Management Resource Center

Everything you need for a successful property management & leasing business

Member Profitability Hub

A collection of educational and technology resources designed to help you achieve profitability and better prepare for your financial present and future.

Mobile Apps

Download the latest C.A.R. mobile apps, including CARmojis & Stickers, C.A.R., Legal Hotline, CA REALTOR® EXPO, and zipForm Mobile.

Broker Compensation Compliance

Practice tips for how to comply with the new broker compensation rules. Learn how to use forms, talk to clients, and meet your legal and other obligations.

Legal Q&As, New Laws, and Disclosure Charts

Legal articles, many in question and answer format, are currently available on over 150 subjects in 50-plus categories.

Legal Tools

Quick Guides (1-page articles) and PowerPoint presentations on key legal topics.

Legal Live Webinars

Wish you could catch up on California real estate law without having to read even more documents? Relax and watch a video as C.A.R.’s Legal Live Webinars bring you up-to-date on the hottest topics in real estate law.

Legal Matters Podcast

While you’re driving to your next meeting, would like our attorneys to update you on how to best protect yourself and your clients? Subscribe to our Legal Matters Podcast, and we’ll bring the most critical information right to your device.

Legal Launchpad

Need help on a legal issue? First, pick one of the topics.

Legal Action Fund

The Legal Action Fund advocates the REALTOR® point of view and assists in lawsuits pivotal to the real estate industry. Learn more about how the Legal Action Fund supports you in your business.

Legal Resources

Important industry cases, resources and information


Current legal developments, C.A.R. legal products and services.

NAR Litigation

Explore the implications of the landmark Burnett v NAR antitrust lawsuit's outcome for REALTORS®, the industry, and your business.

Ombudsman Hotline

If you're a member looking to resolve a minor dispute or communication issue with another REALTOR®, a C.A.R. ombudsman may be able to help!

Peer-to-Peer Ethics

C.A.R. REALTOR® volunteers are specifically trained and are available to answer questions from other members about the Code of Ethics, and can provide information and limited counseling concerning its proper interpretation.

Transaction Rescue™

Your lifeline to the lending community formerly known as the Finance Helpline and Mortgage Rescue™. Find contacts and answers to all mortgage related questions, and problems that arise in your real estate transaction. Get assistance today!

Lending Resources
Customer Contact Center

Need assistance on Transactions – zipForm Edition, purchasing a course, or other general membership questions? The Customer Contact Center is only a phone call away.

Consumer Mediation

The C.A.R. Real Estate Mediation Center for Consumers has mediators available to assist buyers and sellers (as well as other parties to real estate transactions) in resolving their disputes.

C.A.R. Legal Hotline

Did you know that for zero dollars and zero cents, you can speak with an attorney about your transaction? If you don't believe us, check it out yourself.


Lending Resources

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The Transaction Rescue™ Helpline is here to provide REALTORS® with the tools to assist your clients in their real estate financial needs. Check out the resources and information below!

GSE's (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) - FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency)

These Lenders are available to answer questions and focus on you, our member, to provide education and assistance in working with your client first without regard to making or not making a particular loan.

Some of these Lenders may specialize in particular products or loan availability. They are here for the convenience of you and your clients. In assisting your clients, we suggest you review the Down Payment Resource as well.

Lender Contact Loan Product
Chase Home Loans  FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Jumbo Product, Non-QM Mortgages
CrossCountry Mortgage LLC
  • Faramarz (FM) Moeen-Ziai - VP, Mortgage Advisor
    Phone: 510-254-4697
    Cell: 415-377-1147
    Fax: 510-264-4698
    Email: fmz@myccmortgage.com
FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Jumbo Product, Non-QM, RENO, Reverse Mortgages
Empire Mobile Home Loans  
  • John Henricksen- Mobile Home Lending
    509 7th St #200 Santa Rosa CA 95401
    Phone: 707-569-1497 Fax: 707-324-8108
Mobile / Manufactured including Mobile Home Parks
Guild Mortgage Renovation    FHA 203k, VA RENO, Fannie Mae Homestyle, Freddie Mac Choice, Jumbo RENO Products
Guild Mortgage   FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Jumbo Product, Non-QM, Reverse Mortgages
Loan Depot  
  • Roland Macias - Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) Consultant & Loan Sales Manager
    Cell Phone: (714) 448-7845
    Office Phone: (562) 924-9703
    Email: RMacias@loandepot.com
FHA 203k, VA RENO, Fannie Mae Homestyle, Freddie Mac Choice, Jumbo RENO Products and all Energy Efficient Mortgage options
  • Abel Fregoso jr. Sr. Loan Officer
  • Cell Phone: (619) 572-3316
  • Email: AFregoso@prmg.net
FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Jumbo Product, Non-QM, RENO, Reverse Mortgages
Golden 1 Credit Union Home Loan    
TIAA Bank (Construction)   
  • Brad Martin - Western Division Construction Lending Sales Manager
    Direct Phone: (949) 315-7278
    Cell Phone: (949) 293-1900
    Email: Bradley.Martin@tiaabank.com
AG Financial Funding (Land)     

If you do not yet have a lender or if you do not intend on using your lender for this particular transaction, please see our Lender Suggestions.

Please be advised that you are not required to obtain a loan from or to seek services from the Lenders suggested herein (“Suggested Lenders”). The Suggested Lenders are merely suggestions, and they are not in any way supported or endorsed by C.A.R. The Suggested Lenders have agreed to provide a certain service level in answering your questions. C.A.R. has not paid and will not pay the Suggested Lenders any compensation whatsoever for the level of service they have committed to providing. The Suggested Lenders will not pay C.A.R. or its members any referral fee or any other thing of value for being a Suggested Lender. The Suggested Lenders are presented to you without any representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the quality of their services. C.A.R. disclaims any and all liability related to the services provided by the Suggested Lenders

Please be advised the list of Suggested Lenders may be amended at any time without notice. By clicking on this link, lender suggestions, you hereby acknowledge, understand and accept all of C.A.R.’s disclaimers herein.

If you would like further assistance, please follow the link below or email us at TransactionRescue@car.org with your name, phone number, email address, address of property, the lender in question (if applicable) and a brief description of your concern.

If you would like further information on how to become a Suggested Lender, please emails us at TransactionRescue@car.org with "Interested in being a lender" in the subject line and provide your programs and contact information, thank you.

Please feel free to visit the Transaction Rescue™'s Down Payment AssistanceFinance WebinarsFinancial Literacy, and Contact Us page(s) for more helpful information.

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