Transaction Center
Time to bring it home. Find zipForm®, transaction tools, and all the closing resources you'll need. Except for the champagne — that's on you.
Easily renew your real estate license with the FREE 45 hour online license renewal package from C.A.R.
Distinguish yourself by learning how to build a business that specializes in niche markets to nearly double your earning potential in various real estate sectors
Browse our class schedule to find when and where to take real estate courses.
Classes by Topic Online Bundles Harassment Prevention CoursesPrepare to earn your real estate license with our online courses. Get your California real estate license with OnlineEd. Price match guarantee. Mobile friendly. DRE-approved. Instructor Support. Start immediately!
Complete your eight-hour NMLS license renewal requirement through our NMLS-approved provider, OnlineEd
The main Business Meetings page includes important links for Directors and Committee Members. The next regularly scheduled C.A.R. Business Meeting takes place February 4-7, 2025 in Indian Wells.
Learn how to schedule a C.A.R. outreach speaker for your next event and access presentations from previous outreaches.
Join us for a deep dive into property management fundamentals at this half-day virtual conference.
A one-stop shop for tools and and resources to educate consumers about the intricacies of buying and selling a home and how a REALTOR® can help.
Down Payment Resource Directory Infographics Tax Reform One Sheets Fire InsuranceExplore and interact with the latest market statistics.
County Housing Market Summaries County Market Updates Impact of L.A. Wildfires Market at a GlanceThis information is designed for Real Estate Brokers and Office Managers to assist you in supporting your real estate business.
We provide information and resources to support Real Estate Team Leaders in navigating their roles and ensuring compliance.
CCRE's mission is to advance industry knowledge and innovation with an emphasis on convening key experts and influence-makers.
From webinars to videos and podcasts to blogs, C.A.R. keeps you in the know.
Videos Webinars PodcastsC.A.R. publishes four magazine issues and various newsletters throughout the year.
Newsletters California Real Estate Magazine
(213) 739-8200
California Real Estate magazine (ISSN: 0008-1450) is published quarterly by the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, publishers and owners, 915 L Street, Suite 1460, Sacramento, CA 95814. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing offices.
Member subscriptions of $6 are paid with annual dues. Non-member subscriptions are $30 per year. Subscriptions outside the U.S. are $50. Single copies are $7 in the U.S. and Canada. New members, please allow six to eight weeks for new subscriptions.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is offered with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Articles that appear in California Real Estate are an informational service to members. Their contents are the opinions of the authors alone and do not necessarily represent those of the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Permission to reprint articles appearing in California Real Estate magazine must be requested in writing. Please include purpose for request, including title of publication/medium in which reprinted article will appear, target audience demographic, and target circulation size. While this magazine makes a reasonable effort to establish the integrity of its advertisers, it does not endorse advertised products or services unless specifically stated.
Address changes: for C.A.R. members must be communicated through the local Board of REALTORS® to which the member belongs.